Archery lesson

Recently I had an archery lesson with Victor. First let me say that the bows and arrows he handcrafts himself are of exquisite quality. The lesson was also of high quality. It was so cool to learn the proper stance, the position of the bow to the body, the pull back, lining up with the target and then, of course, the best part to let fly the arrow to the target. So amazing! Thank you Victor!

-Sarah Salsich

Bowmaking class

Working with Victor to build my bow and learn to do so on my own was without question the highlight of my year. I spent many a happy hour working with Victor in his shop, working with my hands and reconnecting to natural materials and primitive techniques. We started with a raw stave of wood, which Victor harvested in Kansas and ended up with a beautiful and entirely functional bow. Victor was an amazing teacher the entire time, showing and explaining to me the techniques, the meaning behind them and allowing me to do most of the work myself. I loved every minute of the experience. In many ways it was like therapy, the best I ever had. My bow is one of my most prized possessions and I'm now using it to become a decent archer. I intend to hunt with it next season and it will continue to give as will the knowledge and friendship I gained from Victor. 

-Ret Taylor